What are the Different Types of Meditation?

Meditation has become a trending topic over the last couple of years. More and more people are now turning to this old-age practice to overcome different life situations. If you also want to tap into the benefits of meditation, this guide from Thailandmasti will walk you through the different types of meditation.

Body Scan Meditation
The first type of medication that you should be aware of body scan meditation. As the name suggests, body scan meditation focuses on different body parts. For instance, you can relax your hands on a piece of fabric and breathe in and exhale while paying attention to your thoughts and body sensations.

Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is probably the most practiced form of meditation. When it comes to mindfulness meditation, you should pay attention to the present moment. A good example of mindfulness meditation is being mindful while brushing your teeth, reading a book, or walking your dog.

When practicing mindfulness meditation, you should be 100% involved in the activity. That means ignoring distractions and not thinking about stress in situations. Not only that, but you should also let go of the past and not worry about the future.

Loving Kindness Meditation
Another form of mindfulness meditation that you can practice is loving-kindness meditation. This meditation seeks to cultivate love and kindness for others and yourself. For example, you can repeat positive affirmations daily to enhance positivity and develop love.

When practicing loving-kindness meditation, you should also avoid distractions and stress. Practicing this meditation in a quiet and comfortable room is highly recommended for maximum results.

Walking Meditation
With walking meditation, you focus on each footstep to be mindful. That means you should pay 100% attention to every movement of your feet. It is similar to body scan meditation and is the best option for those who struggle to sit still or remain in one room for a long time.

Transcendental Meditation
Unlike body scan and mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation involves attention to phrases. As you meditate, repeat a specific mantra throughout. The mantra will be the object of focus in this type of meditation.

Final Thoughts
Starting a meditation journey can seem tiring and overwhelming. It’s normal to feel like meditation is not working in the beginning. Fortunately, all it takes is to choose your most preferred type of meditation and persistence.