Breast Augmentation In Thailand; A Simple Guide

Are you suffering from low self-esteem and would like to boost your sexuality? Then, Breast Augmentation Thailand is just what you need. It is a procedure that involves increasing the size, adjusting the shape and fullness of the breast.
It is generally considered as cosmetic surgery. Silicone, Saline, or a different compound is placed underneath the chest. These can last up to 12 years.
It is gaining popularity in Thailand and below are the reasons as to why you should go for Breast Augmentation Bangkok, Thailand.
• If your breasts are naturally small and would like them to appear large.

• Effects of pregnancy, breastfeeding and weight loss that alter the shape of your breasts.

• If your breasts are irregularly shaped and would like to restore back their symmetry.

• After surgery effects that alter the shape of your breasts.
Before the augmentation procedure
• We have an open discussion on the type of implant you prefer. Saline implants are normally considered the safest option. The silicone gel implants require regular checks after the surgery.
• We discuss the type of anesthetic that is appropriate for you. We have the general anesthetic where you sleep, or a local anesthetic where you stay awake throughout the procedure.
• We discuss the type of incision you would prefer. The type of incision will depend on the size of the enlargement and your anatomy.
The surgeon carries out the surgery where he inserts and places the implant. Your surgeon will choose the type of placement depending on your anatomy.
Finally, the surgeon will close the incision either by stitching, use of adhesives, or surgical tapes.
You will be given some painkillers to relieve the pain. You are not allowed to drive or carry out strenuous activities for six weeks. You will be advised to do some light exercises like lifting and flexing your arms.
After the Breast surgery Bangkok , you should book a reappointment at our clinic should you note the following:
• If the sutures do not dissolve within six weeks.
• Pain, redness or swelling around the breast area.
• Unusual chest pains, heartbeats, warmth, and shortness of breath
The more reason you should choose us is that we have an aftercare service after the surgery and at the clinic, we provide you with all the information you need.
One of the renowned plastic surgery clinics in Thailand is the Nida Esth Skin & Cosmetics Surgery Center where patients successfully have all types of cosmetic and plastic surgeries done by expert surgeons in Thailand. Patients from Thailand and many other countries come to this place because they can trust the team of doctors and staff to fulfill their plastic surgery expectations.